With energy transition at the heart of its strategy (from diesel engines to low-emission alternatives), the FETIS group has developed an off-road technology demonstrator to develop hydrogen solutions for heavy-duty mobility in harsh environments (agriculture, public works, material handling, etc.).
This technological platform, known as evol-E, is equipped with a fuel cell system and a filament wound composite tank which was developed by Cetim in Nantes. The vehicle will enable new technological advances to be developed, made reliable, and tested in the harsh conditions of off-road driving: sloping, slippery, dusty terrain in all weather conditions.
In addition to the engine, it will be testing sensors, cameras, and other computers with a vision of having more self-guidance and autonomy. Fétis is also working on fuel cells and all energy transition solutions such as 100% battery-powered “full electric” vehicles, hybrids, and internal combustion engines (H2, e-fuel, etc.).
Fétis is working on these issues with players such as Manitou (forklifts), MX (agricultural robots), and Exel Industries (autonomous vineyard tractors).
Progress of the project
- Prototyping phase (feasibility, design)
- Industrialization phase
- Series production/operation phase